四、經由本研究結果分析,建議理想師傅校長特質檢核表可做為我國發展理想師傅校長特質 檢核協助校長支持系統建立之參考。閱讀心得:
二、本文的結論中提到「經營實務素養」向度得分最高,由此可見「實務經驗」的重要性, 任何可稱為專業的職業,「實務經驗」的重要性不言而喻。而實務素養的養成,「實習」階段不可或缺,以醫師的培育而言,沒有人可否認實習醫師階段的重要性。反觀校長培育,現行制度並無實習階段,因此師傅校長對於新任校長實務素養之提升,有其一定的重要性與必要性。
貳、教育世界網站(education world)的文章--
Principals Identify Top Ten Leadership Traits
A school principal definitely needs a sense of humor to be successful, according to Jon Romeo, former principal at Mitchell Elementary School in Woodbury , Connecticut . "Principals need to laugh at themselves, laugh with their teachers, and laugh at the wonderful things the students do each day.
Mitchell小學前任校長Jon Romeo說:「一位成功的校長,一定需要有幽默感,對自己、對教師以及對學生每天所做的美好事情,都能展現笑容。」
"The principal's personality more often than not is reflected in the school building," said Romeo. "I can't think of a more important trait for a school -- especially an elementary school -- than humor!"
So many traits are important leadership traits, but Marguerite McNeely, principal at Oak Hill High School, in Hineston, Louisiana, said a good sense of humor "is the one I feel helps keep good leadership from tiring.
有許多的特質對領導而言都是很重要的,但Oak Hill高中校長Marguerite McNeely說:「幽默感可以幫助我脫離厭倦而保持良好的領導。」
"If a principal always takes things too seriously, he or she becomes quite dull and ineffective," added McNeely. "Laughter is a universal language and an excellent form of communication for both desired and unacceptable behaviors. A smile [accompanied by] a strong, stern look lets a person know something is unacceptable, and a grin and twinkle in the eyes helps those around us relax and perform to best of their abilities."
Marguerite McNeely校長說:「如果校長處理事情太嚴肅,會變得遲鈍和無能。『笑』是全世界通用的語言,是一種良好的溝通形式。微笑伴隨強大的力量,而嚴肅讓人覺得他是不被接受的。開懷的笑、閃亮的眼神,讓我們週遭的人可以放鬆,同時呈現最佳的表現。」
Being a role model landed in the ninth spot on the top ten list. Although it might not have been numero uno, being a role model is the one quality Gail Graham feels most strongly about.
做為榜樣在十項特質中名列第九,雖然榜樣可能不是真正的自我,但是Gail Graham校長認為,成為學生和教職員工的榜樣,是非常重要的特質。
"It is by no means the most important quality in the total school context, but it has significant implications," said Graham, principal at Whitney Institute Middle School , in Bermuda . "I try very hard to lead by example, and being a good role model is a major part of that.
"When all is said and done, one has to face oneself in the mirror every day," Graham added, "and I couldn't do that if I didn't always strive to exemplify the qualities of punctuality, good manners, fairness, consideration, good grooming, and those other qualities that I regularly expect from students and staff.
"Respect is an important part of what we try to instill in our students," Graham concluded. "Respect must be earned, and I firmly believe that one cannot earn respect without being the best role model that one can possibly be."
For principal Graeme Lane of Balwyn North Primary School , in Melbourne , Australia , the key to successful school leadership is all about learning and teaching. "Our core business is learning and teaching," he told Education World. "You may have all the vision and drive in the world. You can set high standards; you can even laugh about the mistakes and get on with the job. However, if you really want things to be cooking, you must invest in your people and develop strong teachers who have a sense of purpose and a commitment to learning."
Balwyn North小學校長Graeme Lane說:「成功的學校領導關鍵在於學習和教學,學校的核心工作就是學習和教學。你可以有願景航向世界,你可以設定高標準,甚至工作上的錯誤以笑容面對。然而,你真正希望辦好學校教育,必須提升教師專業素質,學生的學習是教師的目標和承諾。」
New York : McGraw-Hill.
Description of the Education World Informal Survey of School Leaders
Forty-three principals responded to our leadership qualities survey. We gave each participant a list of 15 leadership qualities. We asked the respondents to choose the ten qualities on the list they felt were the most essential qualities of a strong school leader and number them in order of their importance from 1 (the most important) to 10 (the least important). We tallied the results in three ways:
•The total number of points. If a trait was chosen as the most-important quality, it was given 1 point; a trait selected as the tenth most-important trait was given 10 points. That way, the trait with the lowest number of total points was the most important trait.
•Frequency of listing. We recorded the number of people who selected each of the 15 traits. It didn't matter where on the list the trait was placed.
•Average points. To determine the average number of points given to each trait, we divided the number of total points by the number of respondents who included that trait on their lists. That average score was the basis for the list published in our story.
Most Important Leadership Qualities (Total Points)
1. Is good at "politics," a diplomat. 擅於政治,是個外交官
2. Does not tolerate bad teachers. 不能容忍不適任教師
3. Has a stated vision for the school and a plan to achieve that vision. 設定願景,擬定計畫達成願景。
4. Clearly states goals and expectations for students, staff, and parents. 對學生、教職員和家長設定清楚的目標和期望。
5. Shows he or she is in charge when that needs to be done. 在必要時,顯示負責
6. Helps develop leadership skills in others. 幫助其他人發展領導技能
7. Shows she or he is not in charge alone; involves others. 邀請其他人共同承擔
8 .Is an insulator; protects staff from teaching distractions. 將教職員從教學精神渙散中隔離
9. Develops strong teachers; cultivates good teaching practice. 提升教師素質,發展良好的教學實踐。
10. Offers meaningful kindnesses and kudos to staff and students.提供有意義的友善和榮耀給學生和教職員
Most Important Leadership Qualities (Frequency of Listing)
1. Is visible -- gets out of the office, is seen all over school.
2. Is trustworthy and straight with students and staff.
3. Clearly states goals and expectations for students, staff, and parents.
4. Has a stated vision for the school and a plan to achieve that vision.
5. Develops strong teachers; cultivates good teaching practice.
6. Knows students' names; talks with them.
7. Has sense of humor.
8. Is a role model for students and staff.
9. Shows she or he is not in charge alone; involves others.
10. Helps develop leadership skills in others.
Most Important Leadership Qualities (Average Score)
1. Has a stated vision for the school and a plan to achieve that vision.
2. Clearly states goals and expectations for students, staff, and parents.
3. Is visible -- gets out of the office; is seen all over school.
4. Is trustworthy and straight with students and staff.
5. Helps develop leadership skills in others.
6. Develops strong teachers; cultivates good teaching practice.
7. Shows she or he is not in charge alone; involves others.
8. Has a sense of humor.
9. Is a role model for students and staff.
10. Offers meaningful kindness and kudos to staff and students.
一、被譽為二十世紀「最偉大的CEO」的威爾許(Jack Welch),提到他的經營管理理念時,開宗明義的說:「坦誠制勝」,包含願景、目標與獎懲標準等,一一向「被領導人」說明清楚,使下屬有所依循(羅耀宗,2005)。前文所提出的觀點,不論是設定願景或是以身作則成為榜樣,均呼應威爾許的說法。雖然經營學校與企業不盡相同,但領導的行為展現,可互為借鏡。
三、另外,附件中提到校長不能容忍不適任教師(Does not tolerate bad teachers.),這一點相信是目前校長經營學校的難言之隱,明知道提升教師教學效能的重要性,但想要積極處理不適任教師時,所面臨的困難總讓人裹足不前。
羅耀宗(譯)(2005)。Welch, Jack & Welch, Suzy。致勝。臺北:天下。
Hoy, W. K., & Miskel, C. G. (2001). Educational administration: Theory, Research, and Practice (6th Ed.).
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