2011年6月11日 星期六





A thesis on the partial transformation and activating the space of an elementary school with an example of the Anho Elementary School of the New Taipei City


A school's construction project is an essential issue for school administrators. In 1985, the Yilan County first introduced the idea of planning the whole school in the renovation projects of schools. And the brand new ideas of constructing schools brought by the massive September 11th earthquake of 1999 further changed people’s impressions of schools. However, the number of reconstructed schools is still limited. If we take the year 1985 as a milestone, even those school buildings built after 1985 and stood the test of the 921 earthquake have not yet passed the requirement of minimum 55 years of usage. In the past, reasons like the misallocation of funds, a lack of school planning specialists and a shortage of ideas made the activation of school space unsatisfactory. How to make the best use of the entire school buildings by using partial renovation of schools to demonstrate the idea of activating the space of an elementary school in the modern world, where the social environment and educational ideas have greatly changed ? This question has become an important issue for today's elementary school principals. The case study shows that the idea of elevating functions of an elementary school can be fulfilled by activating the campus space through partially transforming the campus.

Keywords: campus partial transformation, activate campus space


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